Mirambika Crisis – how dare the bloggers caricature the Uchch Log?

Ah! It hurts. Oh! It hurts. Ouch! It hurts. How dare the bloggers caricature the Uchch Log? Brace for more you dainty darlings, without the caricatures as we go forth. The Truth has just begun to unfold.

How many of you derive some economic benefit from the Management, SAES or the Ashram? Do those relationships not conflict you out from supporting 14/4 violation of child rights and so the Technical College?

Didn’t some of you know of the 14/4 clandestine shift of Mirambika from its rightful place into the residential Ashram in advance? Did not sharing that knowledge with innocent children & other parents not hurt your conscience?

How many of you helped the Management clandestinely shift the belongings of our children in Mirambika into the residential Ashram on 13/4 night and later? How many of you helped the Management clean up the scene of offence, removing the artwork, paintings, etc of our children from Mirambika windows? Did that effort not hurt your soul? Did leaving the turtles, the rabbits and the geese alone please your hearts immensely? Why don’t you stop and think about the prarabdha you are creating for yourself?

But then you are indeed the Parents Sans Conscience and you don’t give a damn to Mirambika or its children so long as your selfish ends are served well by the Management, SAES or the Ashram. Does nothing knock you from your hollows within? If not, unmasked, you would continue to hurt you even more!

2 thoughts on “Mirambika Crisis – how dare the bloggers caricature the Uchch Log?

  1. Anupama chib May 24, 2015 / 6:54 am

    If you really want to focus on the right, this whole uchch and Tuchch Log has to go. By talking about which parent wl gain what, you are deviating from the real issue. Your blog seems more like a gossip column.
    If you just talk abt what is really happening opposed to what you think is happening, people would perhaps read the blog to see what’s happening in the court, what proof you hv in terms of papers etc. Please avoid gossip. Its in bad taste no matter who the target. You just dilute the whole issue when you indulge in cheap gossip.

    Liked by 1 person

    • savemirambika May 24, 2015 / 7:42 am

      We respect your criticism and right to free expression. Please respect ours. We would like to see you support the parent petitioners on facts and when one of us is called a liar, miscreant, negative, briefless, etc or threatened by your friends supporting 14/4. We have deleted the Jung e’ Mirambka caricatures’ blog post. You have a choice not to read our blog but we have no choice except to fight injustice and attract supporters. We request you to be at least a bit bipartisan.


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