Sri Aurobindo on Gandhi’s ahimsa

“… To change the opponent’s heart by passive resistance is something I don’t understand….”  (He seems to be endorsing active resistance. Do the protesting Mirambika parents need to take the peaceful sit in protest to a different level? What more can they do in addition to the legal action?)

“…. even when it succeeds it is not that you have changed the heart of the enemy, but that you have made it impossible for him to rule…..” (He seems to be endorsing spiritual reform of the enemy. Although the protesting Mirambika parents  do not confer upon Pranjal Jauhar the honor of being their enemy and only oppose those of his ideas which violate the philosophy and teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, they request his aunt Tara Didi to try and reform him spiritually in order to save the Ashram and Mirambika from the mal-effects of his ego-driven conduct.)


Gandhi insisted on the use of Ahimsa (non-violence) in all circumstances and believed that it would melt the aggressor’s heart. It seems Pranjal Jauhar’s heart would need a furnace of Ahimsa before it starts melting but the protesting Mirambika parents do not have the luxury of time. They should take a cue from Sri Aurobindo’s views. As long as the British did not turn violent, Sri Aurobindo preferred passive resistance but if the British took to violence, more active and aggressive resistance was called for. The scheming Pranjal Jauhar has done violence to the idea and existence of Mirambika by shifting it to an illegal and unsafe place (violating many laws and child rights) thus tacitly inviting the concerned authorities to close it. That scheme has gone awry because of the legal action taken by the protesting Mirambika parents. Also, he failed to appreciate the collateral damage that his scheme is likely to cause to the Ashram itself. The protesting Mirambika parents and all true followers of Sri Aurobindo need to NOW undertake more active and aggressive resistance against this bull in a china shop.

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